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Please Check Other Sites For Update
Please Note: From tomorrow (Saturday, February 24, 2007) to Saturday, March 3, 2007 please tune into Jirachi+Rob.bLOG (not this blog) for updates every other day. JRBnET's most important member, JirachiRob will be on vacation. I, JirachiRob, will have internet access almost every other day. When updates become available they will only be posted to Jirachi.Rob+bLOG (not this blog) when I have internet access.
No PokéNews has updated their page on the " Exclusive 3 Disk Set" for the 9th Pokémon movie, "Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea." According to Amazon's product description, the 3 disk set will include the movie itself as a 2 disc set, and another bonus disc containing "Pokémon Advanced Battle Vol. 1."
Gamestop's online store has revealed the pre-order bonus for Pokémon Diamond/Pearl:
Pokémon Diamond: Bonus Offer
Order Pokémon Diamond for the Nintendo DS and receive a Collectible Pokemon Diamond Stylus with Dialga Topper Pen and a Stylus Holder FREE! The bonus items will ship with your order and are available while supplies last. See stores for details.
Pokémon Pearl: Bonus Offer
Order Pokémon Pearl for the Nintendo DS and receive a Collectible Pokémon Pearl Stylus with Palkia Topper Pen and a Stylus Holder FREE! The bonus items will ship with your order and are available while supplies last. See stores for details.
No PokéNews
No PokéNews
No PokéNews
No PokéNews
JRBnewsNET is reporting that Jakks Pacific revealed many new Pokémon Toys, many of which contained many new English Pokémon names, at the 2007 Toy Fair in New York, which started yesterday and goes on until Wednesday.
No. US Name Japanese Name
#387 Turtwig Naetoru
#390 Chimchar Hikozaru
#393 Pochama Pochama
#396 Starly Mukkuru
#401 Kricketot Koroboshi
#403 Spinx (Not 100% Confirmed) Korinku
#410 Shieldon Tatetopusu
#417 Pachirisu Pachirisu
#419 Floatzel Floatsel
#422 Snelios(Possibly Shelios) Karanakushi
#427 Buneary Mimiroru
#431 Glameow Nyaruma
#440 Happini Pinpuku
#453 Croalurk Gregguru
#455 Carnivine Masukippa
1. 10 more days until my birthday.
No PokéNews
No PokéNews
No PokéNews
No PokéNews
Woot. Drive safely.
Have a Happy Super Bowl!
February 1, 2007 - Just three months after launching on Sept. 28, 2006, Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl shipped a record-breaking 5 million units to retailers in Japan, making them the fastest selling Pokémon games ever. More than 155 million copies of the Pokémon series have been sold around the world through September 2006.