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Sunday, December 31, 2006

2006 err... 7?

Last day of 2006, how sad! Tommorrow will bring a lot of firsts, the first time you wake, the first time you sleep. Tomorrow will be a fresh start for us all. Seing how I live on the East Coast, I will experience 2006 first! If you talk to me, I'll tell you how it feels. Also here is a first, err... second? last? of 2006, the is surprisinly not going to be any nXt Episodes/eP untill Saturday, Jauary 13, 2006! We'll just have to wait all together. And here is on thing I can tell you is going to happen with all of us, in 20067 we will write 2006 on everyting untill 2008! Also it isn't snowing where I live and it will not be the first snow of the year! JRBNET wishes everyone, especially in New England, a safe and happy New Year! See you all in 2006, untill then this is JirachiRob, DDeoxys, and JPPokémon wishing everyone a prosperous new year! Goodbye '06 Hi '07! But we can't just shove 2006 out of the door, we need to throw it a goodbye party.

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